Important information to get a safe liposuction - Bellmed

  • Blog
  • by belladminp
  • 19 agosto, 2020
  • 538

Esteban Jaramillo del Rio

Plastic Surgeon



What is liposuction?

Liposuction also known as liposculpture, is a surgical procedure used to mold the body shape by means of fat extraction in the areas where people have fat excess. Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia or sedation depending on the body area to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed. To perform this procedure, small incisions are made through which a tumescent solution is injected to help remove the fat and to avoid bleeding; these incisions are well hidden below underwear. By using a suction system, fat excess is removed from different areas like: abdomen, back, hips, waist, buttocks, thighs, arms, face and neck.


Technologies available for liposuction 

Different technologies can be used during liposuction to obtain the results I want to achieve. Laser therapy uses a probe that emits laser waves, these waves destroys fat cells and facilitates fat aspiration process. Furthermore, laser allows to obtain a good skin retraction. On the other hand, ultrasound (vaser) uses high frequency sonorous waves to liquate the fat that subsequently will be aspirated. In the initial medical assessment, the technology to be used in each patient is selected according to  body features, medical history and expectations of each person.


Instructions before getting liposuction done

Before liposuction, it is mandatory to perform laboratory tests to check the health condition of every patient; laboratory results should be evaluated by both plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist. Patients who travel to Colombia from abroad should wait between 3 to 5 days since the arrival day before getting the surgery done to prevent thrombus formation in legs and   lungs. Furthermore, patients should start healthy feeding and exercise routines before the procedure to have a long-lasting result after liposuction.

Recommendations after surgery

After liposuction, it is very important for patients to use compressive garments in order to obtain an adequate healing process and to improve the swelling; these garments also allows the skin to adhere to the deep tissues avoiding flaccidity.  Postoperative massages are used to drain the residual liquid and to prevent fibrosis; to obtain this goal I combine ultrasound and radiofrequency during massages. After surgery, patients must take analgesics and antibiotics for one week; they can restart exercise after 2 to 3 weeks.

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